วันศุกร์ที่ 1 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Samsung Galaxy I7500 Mobile Phone Review - A Highly Reliable Smartphone

The Samsung Galaxy i7500 is enthralling users across the world as being the first Samsung mobile to support the famous Android OS. We've learned that its speedy internet, its bright, super responsive AMOLED screen, its capable camera, and other features are also worth a second look.
When it comes to looks, the Samsung Galaxy doesn't turn a lot of heads. It's not ugly, but it's not eye poppingly gorgeous either. At 119 g, it's not the lightest phone ever either. However, its spartan looks may appeal to those who like a more uncomplicated look to their phones. Its black plastic interior, silver accents, and no nonsense button designs make for a low profile look. In addition to this, we didn't find any oddly placed buttons or crevices-the camera button and 3.5 mm headphone jack are all easily accessible.
Its 3.2 inch sixteen million colour touch screen is a wonderful addition, however. Big, bright, and stunningly crisp and clear, this is definitely a screen designed to make viewing everything from videos to internet browsers a wonderful experience. It's also wonderfully responsive as well, to the point where tapping out texts and emails on its onscreen QWERTY keyboard. If the exterior design seems a bit plain, the screen certainly makes up for the lack.
As for the OS, Android provides its audience with a highly enjoyable user experience. However, it's not as flawless or as nifty looking as some other phones. Fortunately, you can get a variety of shinier applications at the Android Market, many of them for free.
There isn't much to fuss over regarding sound quality-it remains crisp and flawless, with no trace of warping or crackling. In addition to its 3.5 mm headphone jack, you also get an FM radio, polyphonic and MP3 ringtones, and a fairly basic music player that supports mp3, WM, eAAC+, and RA formats. It's nothing revolutionary, but it gives you what you need.
Its 5 megapixel camera is certainly a nice touch. Combine autofocus, a LED flash, an image stabiliser, and geo tagging capabilities and you have a desirable little camera. We would have liked to see a Xenon flash rather than LED, but it's powerful enough to light up most areas. You can record and play videos as well, which will be a real treat on the Galaxy's awesome screen.
Internet connectivity:
The Galaxy has everything you need to stay connected, regardless of where you roam. It features 3G HSDPA, WLAN WiFi, Bluetooth A2DP, GPRS, EDGE, and micro USB capabilities. Its quadband technology also ensures you can continue using the phone in other countries if the need be. In addition to this, the Galaxy is also compatible with YouTube, Google Search, Google Maps, GPS navigation, and more. While it isn't as dedicated toward social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter as other phones, they are still easily accessible.
Memory and Talk Time:
With eight gigabytes of memory plus 16 additional gigabytes available in a microSD card, you should have enough space to store most of what you need. However, with only 3.8 hours of talk time and 290 hours of standby, you may need to charge this phone often, especially if you use it heavily.
The Samsung Galaxy i7500 is an ideal phone for a lot of reasons. It's amazingly vivid, responsive touch screen is a wonder to use in itself. Its camera and internet connection make it worth consideration as well. However, it's not as shiny when it comes to aesthetics or operating systems as say, the iPhone or some of its competitors. This, however, may not necessarily be a bad thing, especially for those who prefer a more low key phone.

